If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

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Hello loves,

Since you’ve made it here you might as well take a few minutes to get a little more familiar with my work. Below is an excerpt from my debut novel, Rocked by Love (His Rock, Her Way Series) available on Amazon or you can just click the book link on here and it will direct you to Amazon.

Happy reading, loves! 😉

What da fuck?

She didn’t see us, not at first. Her head was down, stuffing something inside the bag draped across her body. I narrowed my eyes and zoomed in on my windshield where what looked like a small piece of paper was lodged in between one of the wipers.

Slowly she raised her head and that’s when our eyes connected. Mine held a look of confusion while I saw something different in hers, a look I couldn’t identify. Placing a faux smile on her face, she walked toward us with measured confident strides.


Sliding my eyes toward the woman underneath my arm I studied her out the corner of my eye. Her expression was murderous, eyes fixed straight ahead, locked on Lyric. Five more steps, that was the number of strides it was until we reached her.






Lyric stood directly in front of me, her eyes larger than usual bounced between me and Rocky. Again, I found myself looking out the corner of my eye at Rocky. For the first time since we noticed her Rocky gave me her eyes. Eyes filled with questions mixed with something unidentifiable. Swiping a hand down my face I turned my attention back toward Lyric.


“Oh, hey Dre. I. . . um, I just left a note on your truck.”

I looked past her toward my parked SUV. “I see,” I stated, as I drew my eyes back to her.

“I. . . um. . . I didn’t know you weren’t alone,” Lyric responded, with her eyes now fixed on Rocky.

“I guess that’s somethin else you didn’t think through,” I stated, while smirking, although I didn’t find shit funny about her being here in this very moment.

“Dreeee,” she whined, skirting her eyes back over to me.

“Oh Dre, don’t act surprised. Lyric is used to doin shit without thinkin,” Rocky spoke up, surprising both of us.

“Excuse me?” Lyric asked.

“What? You hard of hearin too?” Rocky questioned, while stepping out from underneath my arm.

I stepped forward, positioning myself in between the two of them but was quickly pushed aside as Rocky stepped closer to Lyric.

“Did I stutter?”

Lyric’s eyes bugged out of her head then slid over to me. “Dre.”

Before I could respond, Rocky spoke. “Why are you callin him when I’m the one who said it?”

“Whatever Raquel, I don’t have time for this.” Lyric swiped her hair over her shoulder.

“Neither do I. You ready?” Rocky asked, looking up at me.

I shook my head, not bothering to look at Lyric more concerned with Rocky. Moving past Lyric, Rocky strolled casually toward my truck, with me in tow behind her.

“Well fuck you too, black bitch,” Lyric mumbled underneath her breath.

Before I had time to react Rocky had spun around on her heels and was in Lyric’s face. “What da fuck did you say?”

Lyric took a step back. A mischievous smirk donned her immaculately made up face. “Did I stutter?” she asked, repeating Rocky’s previous statement.

Her hands were posted up on her hips with her head cocked to one side. She gave off the illusion of confidence, but I could tell she was anything but. She was intimidated by Rocky but tried to disguise it. Who she was putting on for I wasn’t sure. I knew Lyric wasn’t from the streets but yet and still she stood her ground, body language oozing of attitude as she waited for Rocky to respond.

I took a step forward but quickly stopped in my tracks when Rocky shot me a look that said, nigga I will kill you where you stand if you take one more step. So instead I waited with my eyes stapled to her, silently praying she didn’t swing on Lyric.

“See what I thought I heard was your ignorant ass call me out of my name and make reference to my skin tone in a derogatory manner. Now I know earlier I said you were accustomed to saying stupid shit, but I thought you had enough sense not to say them in the presence of someone who you know can beat your ass.”

I couldn’t help the smirk that eased upon my face as I stood by watching their exchange. Rocky delivered that warning purposely without the use of slang. She knew Lyric prided herself on her suburban upbringing and boasted on her Princeton City School education in order to make others feel inferior. Yep, right now Rocky was challenging her and doing so in a way that she knew Lyric would understand.

“Listen, everybody gets one. That was yours.” There was a finality in her words as she turned away from Lyric and prepared to walk off.

“One what?”

Fuck. What the hell is wrong with this chick?

Rocky spun back around and faced Lyric. “One warning. Now the next time you call me out my name be prepared to pick your fuckin teeth up off the ground.” Rocky stared Lyric dead in her eyes, waiting for a response. When she offered none, Rocky spoke again. “Matter of fact, if you see a bitch smack a bitch.”


The Girl Behind the Pen