The Girl Behind the Pen


So, I’ll start this out by saying I’ve never really been good with writing about myself. I know, it seems silly considering I’ve started down the path of writing about others ― albeit the others I’m speaking about are fictional characters, but still. I said all that to say, please don’t expect some long fancy post about my life because, well… there isn’t anything fancy about it. It’s a blessed life and one I’m extremely grateful for but it’s definitely nothing to write about.

Here are the Basics.

1.     I’m a writer. Duh, right.

2.     I’m a wife. I’ve been married to a wonderful man for six years now.

3.     I’m a mother. Not because I’ve birthed a biological child but because I earned a bonus son when I opened my heart to his father. Yes, I want my own biological children but that’s for another post for another day.

4.     I’m super animated and dramatic as hell. I’m sure both can be annoying qualities, but I am who I am and at 40 I’m me without any apologies.

5.     I’ve always loved to read and write. As I got older writing kind of took a backseat to other real-life things but as we can see I picked it back up and penned my first but definitely not my last book. I have so much more in store it makes me smile just thinking about it.

6.     I believe in love and so that is what I write about. It's not that my characters or stories won’t be flawed because… I mean, no one is perfect ― not even in my fictional world.

7.     Before finding my renewed passion for writing I learned that I am also very passionate about young people, troubled youth in particular. Since graduating from college in 2002 ― yep I said it. I know you saw me mention I was forty a few bullets ago. Anywho, I’ve worked in the social service field in one way or another since earning my degree in criminal justice.

8.    Up until I discovered how much I enjoyed writing again I thought I didn’t have a talent. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t have low self-esteem or anything crazy like that I just always assumed I didn’t have a creative skill. But look at me now ― out here writing books and shit 😊.

9.     That leads me into my next about me fact, I have a potty mouth. I am a cussing Christian, boogie hoodish, educated all around good person with the mouth of a sailor. It can and most times is tamed… my parents didn’t raise a complete degenerate but like I said before, I am who I am.

10.  Since I mentioned it and will eventually make a post about it, I struggle with what doctors have described as unexplained infertility. I am a 40-year-old woman who has never been pregnant and desperately wants her own biological child(ren). We’ll dive into this on another post though.

Alright loves, there it is ten… hopefully interesting facts about me. Of course, as I continue to grow, I will continue to share myself, my processes, and my stories with you. Until next time…


Well played


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