Well played


Notes from the author:

This is unedited and subject to change. This is not a standalone. It is part two of the His Rock, Her Way Series. In order to follow the story I highly suggest reading book one, Rocked by Love.

Sample Sunday - Well Played

“Here, let me put that in a to-go container for you baby. You just playing with it anyway.”

I swept my eyes across my plate where I’d been shuffling food back and forth then slowly lifted my gaze to meet Miss Brenda’s. “Thank you. I guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought.”

“Or maybe your mind is somewhere else, and it took your appetite with it,” she whispered, before walking away with my plate.

Naturally, my eyes shifted to the left of me where Dre was sitting just a seat over and sure enough his ass was watching me and still fucking smiling. Apparently, Miss Brenda’s attempt at whispering didn’t go to well because Royce mumbled some slick shit underneath his breath followed by a snicker before he removed himself from the table. King was long gone and with Miss Brenda somewhere fooling with my food that left me alone with Dre’s ass.

“I ain’t mean to make you lose your appetite.”

“You didn’t.” I refused to look at him. So, like the spoiled grown ass adult child I was, I kept my head facing forward.

“Hmph. So, you just fixed that entire plate of food just to shuffle it around on yo plate like King?”

My neck snapped so hard on my shoulders I was surprised I didn’t get whiplash. “I see someone thinks waaay too highly of themselves.”

“Nah, not at all but I’m pretty good at reading people. Especially women. In particular, a certain woman who I happen to know the inside of just as well as I know the out,” he spoke in a hushed tone and way too damn close to my face.

“Knew Mr. Cameron.”

One side of his mouth twitched into a flippant grin while the opposite brow hiked up toward his hairline. “Knew?”

“Yes, knew. You can’t speak in present tense about something you haven’t experienced in over a year sir.”

“Past tense huh?” He leaned closer to my body like we weren’t practically sharing the same chair at this point. Lips just mere inches away from my neck I could feel the soft mist of his breath against my now chilled skin. “So, how come I know that you’ve squeezed your thighs together at least three times since I moved into your space? Or that your breathin has slowed dramatically, makin your chest heave at an uncomfortable rate? Or we can talk about how your nipples have been playin peek-a-boo with me since you sat down? But here’s the million-dollar question Short Stuff, I dare you to look me in the eyes and tell me your pussy ain’t leakin cuz I know yo lil ass ain’t wearin no panties. Tell me Raquel. Which part did I get wrong?”

Saved by the muthafucking bell. Dre and I both looked down at my phone vibrating on the table. The caller ID flashed DNA but at this point I was desperate, scraping my phone off the table I slid my thumb across the bar at the bottom and placed it to my ear. Slowly and I do mean slowly, Dre eased back into his space but not before mouthing, “well played Short Stuff, well played”. Flipping his ass the bird I hopped up from the table and finally spoke into the phone. I wasn’t sure who I was more annoyed with, dude on my line or Dre’s ass for basically forcing me to answer the call. Deciding on the latter I prayed my Ayeni Ski moisture wicking leggings held up their end of bargain, not revealing the puddle Dre not so subtly called me out on as I moved into the living room.


Tunk with a twist


The Girl Behind the Pen