Tunk with a twist


Hello Loves,

Here is an excerpt or maybe it’s a sample… call it what you want I just hope you enjoy it.

I softly smacked her hand as I turned my body forward and rested my back against the couch. “Yeah, okay.”

Rocky burst out laughing. “Fuck you Dre.”

“Don’t be like that Short Stuff,” I goaded.

“Whatever. You wanna play cards?”

I looked at Rocky out of the corner of my eye. “I’on think you want none of this.”

“Boy please. Tunk?” she asked, with a raised brow.

“Hell yeah, what you know about some tunk?”

“I know I’m about to beat that ass. So, don’t be mad when I do.”

“Go get the cards then witcha shit talkin ass.”

Without hesitating Rocky hopped off the couch and strolled out of the living room, leaving me alone with Creed while she retrieved the cards. I looked down at the fury canine and grinned when he looked at me and lifted his head like he knew what was going on. Moments later Rocky returned with a deck of cards, two shot glasses, and an unopened bottle of Rémy.

I looked at the bottle of liquor before sliding my eyes up to hers. “What’s with the Rémy?”

“Loser answers the winner’s question and takes a shot,” she answered nonchalantly.

“Oh, you trynna get fucked up on a school night I see.”

“I told you I don’t lose, and I don’t have class tomorrow, so. . .”

My chortle was barely audible, but my smile was clearly evident. “Okay, shuffle and deal em. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Sitting the shot glasses and Rémy on the table Rocky took her seat next to me. She removed the cards from the box and offered them to me. “You shuffle and deal and I’ll find us some music. Deal?”

I took the cards out of her hand and began shuffling them while she fiddled with her cell phone. “Niggas in Paris” by Jay Z and Kanye West boomed through a speaker I hadn’t noticed sitting on her side table. Rocky tossed her cell phone beside her on the couch while I bobbed my head to the beat and dealt the cards. With the cards on the table I looked up as Rocky helped herself to my glass of wine. A smile danced on my lips as she offered me my cocktail. Leisurely I accepted the glass from her hand, turning it to the side she drank from I chugged back the last of the balmy liquid. Instantly, Rocky jumped off the couch, grabbing the empty glass from my hand she walked out the room. Seconds later she returned with two beers. She took her seat while placing a cold Heineken in front of me on the table. Folding one leg underneath her she took a quick sip of her Redd’s Apple Ale before sitting it on the table.

“I needed a chaser for these shots, and I wasn’t about to repeat the episode from earlier, so I made an executive decision. You look like a Heineken man anyway.” She winked at me as she picked up her cards.

“Thanks, Short Stuff but before we start, I got a question.”

“You do remember me telling you the loser answers the winner’s question, right?” she asked with sass.

 “I know but I don’t wanna waste my questions once I start spankin that ass.”

A smirk adorned her beautiful face as she eyed me suspiciously. “Alright, I’ll give you this one freebie.”

“Where did the name Rocky come from?”

Picking up her fruity beer she took a quick sip then returned it to the table. “It’s nothing spectacular really. My father wanted a boy and when he found out I was a girl he and my mother went back and forth about what to name me before finally settling on Raquel. According to my mother daddy only agreed because he thought Rocky was a cool nickname for Raquel. She said he wanted to name me a boy’s name, something like Erin or Devon but she wasn’t havin it. So, he got his boy name for his daughter by way of my nickname.”

“Interesting. Alright, I’m ready.”

“Let’s go.”

Rocky won the first round. Leaning forward I grabbed the bottle of Rémy and removed the protective sealing. In my peripheral I saw Rocky staring at me while I poured my shot. “Shoot, what’s your question?”

“How come you don’t have a girlfriend?”

I tossed my shot back and slammed my glass on the table as the hot liquid burned its way down my esophagus. Eyes trained on the sexy woman sitting next to me I picked up my beer and gulped down a few swigs. “Because you turned me down.” I couldn’t resist teasing her. I winked at her as she rolled her eyes at me. “No seriously, I can’t afford the distraction. School and football are my top priorities right now.”

Rocky bit down on her bottom lip while I shuffled and dealt our next hand. I won the second round. Picking up the liquor bottle I poured Rocky’s shot and slid the glass toward her. “Inquiring minds want to know, aside from your ears and your two nose piercings do you have any other piercings?”

Rocky picked up her glass and threw back her shot. She smirked at me while taking a quick swig of her beer. “I have four other piercings besides my ears and the two in my nose.”

My eyes shot up in disbelief and curiosity as she shuffled and dealt the cards. I won the third round. As bad as I dying to know what other parts of her body she had pierced I choose not to ask. I decided it would be more fun to discover them on my own. Rocky took her second shot like a G while I mulled over my next question.

“If I weren’t the twins’ friend would you,” I placed my hands in the air and made air quotes, “date me?”

Rocky poured herself another shot and took it to the head, before staring me dead in the eyes with the most serious expression plastered on her face. “If you weren’t the twins’ friend, I would date you, fuck you, and eventually leave you.”

Completely caught off guard I drew in a deep breath of air and immediately started choking on my spit. A concerned expression washed over Rocky’s face as she leaned into me and patted my back until my coughing fit settled. Sliding back to her area on the couch Rocky picked up the cards and began shuffling. I bore a hole in the side of her face while she dealt our next hand.

“Stop staring at me Dre. I told you, I wasn’t your average girl,” she stated casually.

Picking up the Rémy bottle I poured myself a shot and tossed it back then picked up my cards. Rocky fucked up my head with her last answer, so I wasn’t surprised when I lost. My concentration was fucked. Pouring myself another shot I chugged it back while I waited for Rocky’s next question.

“Have you ever tried to reach out to your birth mom?”

What the fuck? Was she using these questions and answers to throw me off my game? Because the shit was working.

My expression was stoic while I tried to level out my voice. “First of all, you’re a cheater but two can play that game. No, I’ve never looked for her. She didn’t want me as a kid, so I’d be delusional to think she wants anything to do with me as an adult,” I answered honestly.

I grabbed my beer from the table and gulped down the remainder of the bitter liquid before hopping off the couch and gaiting into the kitchen. I quickly retrieved two more beers then returned to Rocky on the couch. I sat both drinks on the table and picked up the cards, shuffling and dealing the next round. Peeking at me through her long lashes Rocky slid her cards off the table and smirked at me.

“You called me a cheater, why?”

“Because your Q&A is throwin me off my game and I think that’s your strategy.”

“Nope, just answerin honestly and askin questions I really wanna know the answers to.”

I shook my head acknowledging her last statement as I laid my cards face up on the table. “Ten Short Stuff.” I winked at her as I picked up my beer and sipped from it.

“Or maybe my Q&A put a fire under that ass. Damn Dre.”

“Yeah, whatever.” I sat my beer on the table, poured her shot, and handed her the shot glass. “Drink.”

Rocky sat the glass on the table, picked up her beer, and took a big gulp. Placing her beer back on the table she tossed back her shot. “I’m ready, what’s your question Andre?” she asked mischievously.

“Favorite sexual position Raquel?”

“Any that involves me being on top,” she fired off without hesitating.

Her little ass is something else.

Rocky picked up the deck of cards and began shuffling. “I know you didn’t think that little punk ass question was gonna stump me.” She cut her eyes at me before shifting them back to the deck of cards in her hand.

“Whatever smart ass. Just deal the cards. I’m going to the bathroom. You better not cheat either,” I joked.

I stood from my seat and almost fell back onto the couch. Instantly, my eyes shot over to Rocky who was grinning up at me. Regaining my balance, I walked out the room to relieve myself. When I returned Rocky was standing at the patio door sipping from her beer. Sluggishly I plopped down on the sofa and waited for her to return. I watched as Rocky let Creed back into the apartment then padded back over to the couch where she took her seat. Placing her beer on the table she tucked both her legs underneath her and sat facing me.

“Last hand, you ready?”

I picked up my cards and nodded my head. I won the last round so I grabbed the liquor off the table and poured a shot for the both of us. I slid Rocky her glass while I picked mine up from the table. Holding the shot glass in my hand I waited until she picked up hers.

“Good games Short Stuff. Toast?”


“To good food, better company, and a blossoming friendship.” I tapped my glass against hers then chugged down my drink. “Let the record reflect, I spanked that ass tonight.”

Rocky laughed then tossed her drink back. “Last question, make it a good one.”

I ran my hand over my goatee while looking directly in her soft brown eyes. “Are you a squirter or a shaker?”

“Oh wow. Go hard or go home huh?” She uncrossed her legs, leaned forward and grabbed her beer. I watched as she took a big swig before sitting it back on the table. Rocky licked her lips seductively as she returned her eyes to mine. “I’m a shaker but I must confess I’ve never had a vaginal orgasm so. . .”

Just like that, she left those words hanging in the air while I tried processing that shit through my slightly inebriated haze.

“Wait what? What do you mean you’ve never had a vaginal orgasm? How is that shit even possible?” I asked, honestly confused.

Rocky giggled. “It’s not uncommon Dre. I’ve had orgasms from manual stimulation and oral sex, just never from penetration,” she supplied, like I was the crazy one for asking.

I was truly flabbergasted, I sat quietly with my mouth hanging open. Rocky giggles turned into full on laughter as she leaned into me, raising her small hand to my mouth she gently nudged it shut.

“Stop being dramatic Dre, that’s my department,” she teased.

I remained stuck in place as I watched her pick up her cell phone and cut off the music. She tossed her phone back on the sofa then gathered our shot glasses, placing them upside down on the tops of the empty beer bottles before picking them and the Rémy bottle up from the table. I continued watching her in silence as she traipsed out of the room and into the kitchen. Rocky sat all the containers on the island then moved further into the kitchen. I was unable to see her but heard her open the refrigerator.

Moments later she walked back into the living room with two unopened bottles of water in her hands. She sat both bottles on the side table and cut off the speaker while looking down at me. I was still perched up on the couch and completely speechless. Moving directly in front of me Rocky stretched out her hand for mine. I placed my large hand inside of hers and allowed her to help pull me up from the couch. Not really sure what was going on I looked down into her slanted orbs, patiently waiting for her to speak and give me further instructions.

“You can’t drive home after all the shots we had. Come on, let’s go lay down.”

That snapped me out of my haze real quick. “Um, I’m good,” I protested.

Without saying another word, she tugged at my hand, pulling me a few feet away from where I’d been standing. In what I could only describe as a fog I watched as she grabbed the water bottles off the table and turned off the lights. Like a little puppy dog, I followed behind her, allowing her to guide us out of the living room. Halfway down the hall Rocky stopped at the bathroom where she retrieved a bottle of aspirin. She handed me the bottle then grabbed my other hand and continued the walk toward her bedroom. The closer we got to her room the heavier my legs felt. Sliding my hand from hers I stopped walking.

Rocky turned to look at me. “What are you doing Dre?”

“Not going in there, that’s for damn sure,” I stated adamantly.

Rocky continued walking the short distance to her room. She reached the threshold of her bedroom and flicked on the light before turning back toward me when she realized I wasn’t behind her. “Dre stop being silly. You are too damn big to sleep on my couch and I sure as hell ain’t sleeping on the couch. I know we got some shit between us but surely you can share a bed with me even if we’re not smashin.”

I conceded, shaking my head I reluctantly followed her into the room. She was right, I was being silly, but I also had been drinking. “I will do my very best not to press up on you, but I want it to be known, I’m not comfortable wit this shit. I’m a damn man Rocky, a slightly intoxicated one at the moment,” I pointed out.

“It has been duly noted. Now get your gigantic ass in bed. Wait, do you have on basketball shorts or do you need a pair?”

The look I gave her must have shown my confusion because she spoke again before I could respond.

“You ain’t gettin in my bed in your street clothes. I have a pair of basketball shorts I took from one of the twins, you can borrow em.”

Rocky walked over to where I was standing and gave me one of the bottled waters. “Drink this and take some aspirin.”

I did as she said while watching her shift through one of her drawers. She pulled out a pair of basketball shorts then she closed the drawer and walked back toward me. I remained paralyzed in place as she removed the aspirin and water bottle from my hands and tossed me the shorts. I was left standing there looking stupid as Rocky walked over to her bed and plopped down. I continued watching her as she sat one of the water bottles on her nightstand before opening the other one and popping the top of the aspirin. Rocky took two pills and chased them down with her water. My eyes remained on her as she placed both items on her nightstand and picked up the remote, clicking on the TV.

“Dre,” she whined, not bothering to look at me.

“I’m sorry Short Stuff.”

I quickly shimmied out of my fatigues before stepping into the basketball shorts Rocky had given me then pulled my tee-shirt over my head. I folded my discarded clothes and dropped them by the dresser. Turning toward the wall, I found the light switch and flicked it off. Unhurriedly, I strolled over to the bed and paused. Rocky turned toward me and pulled back the thick comforter draped over her king size mattress. She peered up at me, her reticent eyes pleading with me. Tired, I eased my fatigued frame onto the plush bed and allowed my body to melt into the comfort and softness of the mattress. I closed my eyes as Rocky’s scent enveloped me. The pillows and blankets were saturated with her scent. The delicate crisp aroma of cocoa butter mixed with coconut oil permeated my nostrils.


Suddenly my eyes sprang open, I turned in the direction of where Rocky was sitting just as she stood to her feet and started removing her pants. She must have felt my eyes on her, looking back over her shoulder she smiled at me. I felt like I was watching a movie in slow motion while peeking at her through half mass lids as she pulled the comforter back on her side of the bed and climbed inside. Shifting underneath the thick bedspread Rocky fought to find a comfortable space. Meanwhile, I was rested on my back with both of my hands tucked underneath my head, laying stiff as a board.

Turning on her side Rocky positioned a pillow underneath her head and looked at me. “You good Dre?”

Slowly rolling my neck in her direction I nodded my head. “I’m good as long as you stay on your side of the bed.”

With her eyes half closed she grinned. “I’ll try but can’t make no promises. I’m kinda a wild sleeper and I’m not used to sharin my bed.”

“Raquel,” I growled.


“Alright, bring yo ass over here if you want to and see if I don’t have yo ass walkin funny in the mornin,” I warned.

Rocky giggled. “Go to sleep Dre.”

Closing my eyes, I switched to my side, yielding my back to Rocky. I shuffled a few pillows around while I struggled to get comfortable. Eyes wide open I stared out into the dimly lit room when the sounds of Rocky’s heavy breathing blended with the voices from the TV hit my ears. She was out.

Fuck! It’s about to be a long ass night.



Three is a crowd


Well played